Ha ha ha came down to the comments section to mention your trees like monks and it seems like everyone else did as well. What a sterling image it is - well done!

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Belated thanks for your appreciative bow to the monks, Edgar! Thank you for reading.

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Happy Substack anniversary!

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Thank you so much! Glad we're both here.

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Fantastic year of contributing to substack! My turn to thank you for enriching our lives with your poems!

“Spring Canticle” sang to me throughout!

My favorites: sticky curls of early leaves

flushed with sap

momentary .season of compassion

trees stand like monks

moist frail amazement of grace everlasting

chante-moi encore!

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So glad you're here reading, sister Looocinda! 💛🌿

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I loved the poem!

Not just the years, I see a new season during the long morning walks that I go for on days after I wake all night to get a piece done, and sleep didn't come even after fifteen minutes of reading - thinking that might initiate it. Even though it's the same nature, the darkness of the room, the dullness of work, and the brightness of the sun's peak hours, make it seem like an alien planet.

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Day and night, indoors and outdoors, are seasons and cycles of their own, and part of the rhythm of our lives. Thanks for pointing that out, Rick, and thanks for reading.

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I always appreciate a poem rooting, as we have too, from the garden!

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If I had any sense I'd spend every day writing love poems to trees, and see where it took me! 💚 Thanks so much for reading, Kim.

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Congratulations!! One year, time flies! Even better than traditional publishing… you get to interact weekly with your readers! And what a fitting poem for your year anniversary… you at your best! Well, one of the things I like best about your poetry. When you read it and go “wow, she captured it perfectly!“ I love the sticky new curls unfurling from the heart of ancient trees and the wordless monks chanting their psalms. In fact, I love the whole thing, but I don’t need to recite you poetry back to you. I’m going to listen to your voice over when I see some new spring leaves budding on trees this week! Looking forward to another year of Poem Wednesdays!

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Oh, please do recite my poems back to me -- I love hearing them in someone else's voice! (Joking! Probably.) Thanks so much, Petrina, for being the extra-appreciative reader and friend that you are.

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Happy anniversary. Thankful of your gift to us. Your poetry is exquisite.

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Thank you, Joan! The poems and I are grateful to have you reading.

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Happy anniversary!! 2014 or 2024, it's a magical poem and a gift to us all. Thank you!

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Thanks so much, Val! So glad you're here. 💛🌿

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Happy poetical anniversary! and love the tribute to spring, which is gloriously springing here.

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Thank you, Nancy-love! So glad we can share a glorious spring on opposite coasts. 💛🌿🌼

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Picturesque and wonderful.

I remember when you hoped to get "a few" followers. Now look at you! Congratulations!

Auntie B

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It's my pre-Substack "followers" that I value especially. Thanks always for your reading and your friendship, Barb. 😽

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I think I love this best of any of your poems I've read so far. Writing about Spring coming around again would seem to be "done before by many, why try again?" But your version of this yearly renewal lifts my heart and I plan to share it with others. Bless you and your gifts!

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Exactly! "No more new words ..." and only when I'd written that did I realize that the words didn't have to be new, that spring doesn't mind repetitions, that spring IS a repetition, old and new at the same time. Thank you for the reading and the sharing and the blessing, Rose.

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Elizabeth, this is a b e a u t i f u l poem! The words resonate greatly. (Both of my poetry books are anchored in the cycles of Creation--how nature speaks to us!)

I hear you on the publishing journey (my first two books were independently published). What a great space Substack is for sharing one's work.

So glad to be connected here! Congrats on one year.

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Thank you so much, Jody! 💛🌿

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From one Elizabeth to another - well done! A year of tapping into the well of creativity and coming up with a cupful of hope. Congrats!!!🎈

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There's a lovely poem right there in your comment! Thank you, fellow Elizabeth -- very glad to have you reading (and writing) here.

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I so look forward to your email every week. This is a wonderful poem. Like others, I was struck by the image of the trees as “monks rooted in their choirs”.

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Thanks so much, Maureen. So grateful always to have you reading and commenting.

This poem started when I looked down one of the main boulevards in my city and saw a row of street trees raising branches full of new leaves in the spring sunshine, and my odd brain turned them into a row of monks chanting praise-psalms. Strange things happen in springtime!

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That’s no odd brain ! That’s a Poet’s brain with a superb imagination !

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Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I look forward to reading your offerings every Wednesday morning, and am delighted you will continue on. I like the intertwining of many themes: nature, praise to God, monks, circularity etc.

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Thanks so much, Shari. 💛🌿

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A Very Happy Anniversary to you! I do look forward to hearing you read your poems. This Spring Canticles is such a lovely poem. It will come to mind now when I walk among the voiceless chanting monks. I will think of their deep roots preparing for next spring's sticky green new life. I thank you for all of that. ✨

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I'm so glad you can hear this springtime song along with me, Sandy! Thanks so much for reading.

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