Stunning rendering of the significance of Lent: "a reminder that every thing and every body in this world is mortal, changeable, temporary. And precious. And loveable. And worth changing our lives however we need to, so that we can pay closer attention to our changing, mortal selves and the changing, mortal world that surrounds us."

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Thanks so much, Rebecca -- I'm glad it spoke to you. 💛🌿

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Such lovely thoughts! Such a beautiful Ash Wednesday devotion! I needed to remember that being dust is a lovely thing.

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In the hands of the Maker who makes us from dust, being dust is a lovely and beloved thing to be indeed!

Thanks so much for reading and subscribing, Alexandra. 💛🌿

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Thank you!!!

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I like that you got religious! Great poem, too. I was thinking a bit more secularly, but also about the same thing, and in a rhyme.


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I love your rhymed meditation/exhortation, Carole! Thanks so much for sharing it, and for reading.

I try to create "safe space" around any overtly religious poems I publish here ... and at the same time I think and hope that my Christian practice helps to shape all the poems I write -- along with all the other ways I respond to the world.

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Love your work, secular and sacred! I find it hard to separate religion from politics, so sometimes my poems combine both, which doesn’t appeal to everybody, but what does? I think my faith has made me who I am, and it’s what gets me through life. I think it brought me poetry, because this is prett new to me. I write about whatever comes to mind. Not everybody likes rhymes, either, but I don’t have much control over that—it’s always a surprise. Keep up the good work!

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"then will I one day turn and see

atoms of my old faiths and passions dancing

like dust-motes in the heavens to declare

your glory"

I love the idea that the bits of ourselves that we thought we had shed, the old faiths and passions, are not truly gone, but are transformed into dancing dust, praising God.

"And the dust is singing." Oh what a lovely final line.

Thank you. I needed that image of singing, dancing dust today. It's really lovely. But not only that-- it feels deeply true.

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The end is the end, and also not the end ... and if we're made from dust and return to it, then who knows what the Maker makes next? 💛🌿Thanks so much for your heartful and appreciative reading, Melanie.

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A beautifully full, rich poem!

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Thanks so much, Sunny!

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A lovely way to start the season of Lent. I'm always glad when I stay and look around at how things are for you. Wishing you all Blessings.

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Blessings back to you, Sulima -- thank you always for reading!

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Beautiful! Thank you! 🙏

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So glad it spoke to you, Mary -- thank you for reading!

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This is a beautiful poem. I'm not sure if you've heard of Psaltery & Lyre, but it could be a good publication fit for poems like this one. They re-open for submissions in June. https://psalteryandlyre.org

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Thank you for the lead, MK, and thank you as always for reading. 💛🌿

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Thank you for this. I'm looking for ways to observe Lent that will help keep me focused. This is a good start!

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Wishing you -- and me! -- the Lent we need, Peggy! Thanks so much for reading.

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Thank you so much for this. A poem I needed right now.

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So glad it's there for you, Jeni. Holding you in my heart in the midst of your tender, busy family-time.

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