A lot of fun to read.

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“Woman in a Garden” sits where “grass ripples and deepens”—makes me want to sit there with you”Self Portrait “—key phrases which speak volumes, “roots dig deep, unseen “

“half-seen flickers”

“then another, unfolding branches”

“Darkness grows”

“The tree stands silent,”

“ Until the light shifts,

“until it sings again”.

Keep on Elizabeth ! Looking forward to next Wednesday!

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You are an oak! So glad you are sharing your poems with us. Can’t wait for the next installment!

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Earth Goddess with strength and wisdom of an oak: Tree with trailing tendrils of flowers

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my favorite line: "flowers, contained and passionate as sonnets, wait, cradling their seeds, for the earth's embrace." Love this image of anticipation and beauty, needing the earth to grow further but not needy. self-contained.

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Write on Garden Girl! Write on!

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