Rules 1 and 2 may get spelled out someday. And wait until we get to Rule 4 ... !
Thanks so much for reading, Melanie. I'm glad you enjoyed meeting my friend. (No clue about that hair-tangle. I think she must get Up To stuff when she has the shed and courtyard to herself.)
Love this Elizabeth! Bringing this lovely broom to light with a personality is such a lighthearted way for the rest of us to look at our chores, and life in general, in a different light. The ending about her pagan leanings is the best, I'm sure I can see your beloved broom smiling from here!
It's always the old trusty implement that works best!
Isn't it??? Thanks for reading, LeeAnn. 🧹💛🌿
Elizabeth, how I loved you laugh at the end of your post!
I can just see you dancing around your church courtyard with your famous witch broom!
I really enjoyed your whimsical writing!
So glad you had fun with it, Looocinda! 💛🧹🌿
Thank you for introducing me to your friend. She is such a character! I especially love the mysterious detail of the tangle of human hair.
And of course I am curious about Rules 1 &2. But also appreciating the mystery.
Rules 1 and 2 may get spelled out someday. And wait until we get to Rule 4 ... !
Thanks so much for reading, Melanie. I'm glad you enjoyed meeting my friend. (No clue about that hair-tangle. I think she must get Up To stuff when she has the shed and courtyard to herself.)
Love this! May we all be lucky enough to have a Wiccan-practicing broom!!
Oh, that was so much fun and a perfect antidote to these days, thank you so much. Several bits made me smile.
So glad, Wes! Thanks for reading.
Love this Elizabeth! Bringing this lovely broom to light with a personality is such a lighthearted way for the rest of us to look at our chores, and life in general, in a different light. The ending about her pagan leanings is the best, I'm sure I can see your beloved broom smiling from here!
She has a feral, friendly smile to be sure! So glad you enjoyed being introduced to her, Donna. 💛🌿
It feels good to smile like this at a poem. Thank you.
I can't do everything, but I can do something -- like, give Margaret Ann a poem to smile about! You are on-beyond welcome. 💛🌿
Love that Rule #3 so much--and I definitely embrace this as a life practice. Great poem!
I "see" you embodying each and all of my Rules, Ann! 💛🌿 So glad you like the poem.
This poem made me smile and then think. Looking forward to more reading and new rules!
Glad to have you as a reader, Andy!
I love this poem and the thoughts within it.
I'm glad! Thanks for reading, Linda Ruth.
Love Rule #3! I will borrow if I may. Yes, my curiosity is piqued about rules 1 & 2.
My own basic rule is this: Look at what you have instead of what you don’t have.
Thanks for reading, Shari. 💛🌿