I especially like how you said we have the power to choose whom we read and listen to.

Oh yes, Elizabeth I do know what you are talking about.

“ Shaking like a trumpet”

“ The ones who trudge the rough and crooked ways”

Great word, pictures!

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Thank you, sister dear!

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So much of how life rolls for us has to do with how we respond to the circumstances before us. Thank you, Beth.

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Thanks for reading and sharing your own response, Elizabeth.

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Attention is as precious as gold: spend it wisely.

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That's another way to say it. Thank you for reading, Paul.

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Really always important to hear it again. Thanks Elizabeth.

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Thanks for reading, Wes. Glad you're here. 💛🌿

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Amen Sister, Amen!!

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On we go, putting Faith into Action. Thanks, B. 💛🌿

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"We get to choose who we listen to, who we talk about, who we lift up. Not the first time you’ve heard that; it just seemed like a good time to mention it again." I so agree Elizabeth! It is such a good time to mention it again! Our best defense is to give no attention to the fools who crave attention with all of their wickedness. Let us keep our eye on the ball of the life we seek for ourselves and others who are so deserving of full lives without fear.

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Agreed, Sandy! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. 💛🌿

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Power in these words from an irreligious reader.

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So glad to know that, Patris. Thank you for reading and commenting. 💛🌿

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Yes!!! Love this, Elizabeth!

Thanks for reminding us to pay attention to “stories of genuine love, mending, creativity” Just read Thich Nhat Hanh today about being intentional about which seeds we choose to water. And yes, “We get to choose who we listen to, who we talk about, who we lift up” Your poem is a great start! Will share it with friends getting discouraged by the news. Thank you.

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Thanks, Petrina! 💛🌿

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It is too easy to get caught up in the oligarchy drama. Like you, I prefer the real world :-)

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Glad to stand in the Real with you, nephew. 💛🌿

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Thank you for the reminder of attention. It’s a powerful one.


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Hug back, dear one! Thank you so much for so many things of mine you've read over the years. 💛🌿

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