She was meant to be with you, the moon! Love this poem. And we have the Oscars and all that claptrap so we have something to write about that's got more substance, like your poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Academy awards—Pshaw

Fully illuminated disc out your kitchen window—priceless!

Loved every thoughtful line!

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I love the full moon (and any phase close to it) and I love this little poem about her. Never thought of her so sassy… “fluttering a feather boa of cloud.” Great line! And ditto to what others said on the lovely paragraph afterwards. Thank you!

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She has so many moods! Maybe dressing up to shine at the Oscars had her feeling sassy. 🌔

Thanks so much for reading, Petrina!

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Perfectly lovely :) “repeated small actions for good, carried out with great attention” - I think similarly, little things with great love. I think I prefer your great attention, though - perhaps we can’t always manage great love, but great attention will carry us there💕

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M. Scott Peck wrote that the fundamental work of love is attention. Yes, attention carries us to love. Thank you, Sydney. ❤️

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My friend Steve used to order a large pizza w/anchovies from Giorgio's. Eat the whole thing while watching the Academy Awards.

Auntie B

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I like every part of that story except the anchovies! He must have been such a special guy; I can tell by the ways you remember him, Barb.

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"...maybe it’s repeated small actions for good, carried out with great attention — making, mending, cleaning, tending, attention attention attention — that allow love and healing to enter the world, in one small way after another."

Yes and yes.

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And yes! And thank you, Jody.

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Very yummy, thank you

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You're kind to say so, Weston -- thanks for reading!

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Thank you for noticing the view of the moon and making a poem about that and some other things that most people would have missed at that moment but they’re not you and you didn’t miss them so Thank You.

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The reason there are so many poets in the world is that there are so many things to be either noticed or missed in a moment not to mention so many moments one after another and nobody can possibly notice everything in every moment but with each poet noticing what they can we manage to keep the windows open. Thank you back for your own noticings and poems, Paul.

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I try to catch even small bits of what passes in front of my window but I know I miss so very much.

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I loved this! Imagine the moon caring about the Oscars! She is as happy to look in your window as she is to watch the hullabaloo down south, maybe even more so! Thanks!

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Such a curious, friendly moon! (When she's not being mysterious, or elusive, or dangerous, or....)

Thanks always for reading, Rose. ❤️

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I really enjoyed the poem and wanted it to go on for longer ! The paragraphs that follow are very thought provoking.

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Thanks so much, Maureen! Glad to have you reading.

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Lots to ponder here. Both in your lovely poems and your thoughts that follow it. It is the attention we give that etches our memories for later years. And as some have said, in the end, our memories are all that we have.

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Thank you for reading, Sandy.

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I love this, Elizabeth. Especially this paragraph, which is exactly the wisdom my broken heart needs today: "[M]aybe it’s repeated small actions for good, carried out with great attention — making, mending, cleaning, tending, attention attention attention — that allow love and healing to enter the world, in one small way after another." Thank you.

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Love and gratitude, Val. ❤️‍🩹

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Here you come again ... bringing beauty to the little places. More, even, than the poem itself, I love the three paragraphs that follow.,

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"Bringing beauty to the little places" is such a wonderful definition of a poet's work, or the work of any attended-to life. Thank you, Sulima.

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