Article voiceover
I won’t really keep a file of your answers to these questions. Also, though, answering these questions won’t earn you a free gift, or give you a score that reveals your Unique Personality Type. Not exactly, anyway.
Which phase of the moon most deepens your breath?
Which time of year most often finds you laughing?
What is your favorite consonant? your favorite vowel?
What figure walks through all your dreams?
Your shadow – enemy, friend, or stranger?
A cottage – in the forest, or by the sea?
A lover’s tryst – at dusk, midnight, or dawn?
Words, or colors – which, if you had to choose?
Which blessings do you pray for in a whisper?
What instrument sounds most like your voice?
Which animal can you speak with in their language?
What would you swear to, with your left hand raised?
A full moon never ceases to surprise me
My favorite vowel is “A” as in awesome, able and abracadabra, it is a perfect combination of different sounds ,
My consonant is “M” because it closes the lips and surprisingly soft words may be heard , my love marry me ?
My shadow is a friend from childhood who has always followed me or been a glimpse out of the corner of my eye, walking home from the lake on cool summer nights
A lovers tryst should always be at dusk when the day goes blue
And the breeze blows through the curtains of an open window, where the moon is rising
My voice is a soft chord from a Spanish guitar
I speak dog
In my silence I hope for healing….
of careless words that have cut to the quick, healing of my body and forgiveness for the pain we humans ultimately cause one another
My answers begged me to put them on a post -- they do deserve a post of their own :)
And I must thank you for that dear Elizabeth! 🖤